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“God stands in the divine assembly.” - Psalms 82:1

Daily Minyan Services

“While praying, listen to the words very carefully. When your heart is attentive, your entire being enters your prayer without your having to force it.” — Nachman of Breslov

We hold Minyan Services every day, made up of our members, visitors to the community, and those who require the presence of a minyan while they are in mourning. Everyone is welcome.

Praying together tefillah b’tzibbur creates a powerful sense of community. As one member explained, "No matter who you are or whatever you do, when you walk into the Minyan, you have exactly the same goal.”

Newbies are welcome! While we have some members who are completely at ease on the bimah, we also are a great place for those who are new to minyan services to gradually and comfortably become a confident member of the group. Come, learn the rituals and the power of Minyan services! For service times and a link to virtual services, please scroll down.


Zoom Access

"All are equal in prayer before the Lord. "  Exodus (Shmot) R.

We started to hold services on Zoom in response to the pandemic. What we discovered was that Zoom enabled our members to attend services no matter where they happened to be. It is now one of our permanent pathways to spirituality. All services are available on Zoom.

To attend our virtual Zoom services please contact us at or 305-854-3911



Schedule of Services

Fridays  7:00 p.m. In Person & Virtual

Saturdays 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Service In Person & Virtual

Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Virtual Only

Mondays & Thursdays 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Virtual Only

Tuesdays & Wednesdays 5:30 P.m. Virtual Only

To attend our virtual Zoom services please contact us at or 305-854-3911

Shabbat Pasión: The First Friday of Each Month 

With a fusion of Jewish lyrics and melodies with Latin-Cuban rhythms, The Center for Jewish Life at Beth David’s unique Shabbat Pasión service provides a very special way to access the optimism and joy of Shabbat.

The service is led by Rabbi Julie Jacobs, who came up with the concept for Shabbat Pasión in response to living in Miami, the capitol of Latin America. She and talented professional musicians Dylan Schiavoni, Omar Hernandez, Michel Gonzalez, and Ivan Zervigon, create new pathways for you to experience the joy of Shabbat.

Shabbat Pasión is intended for all ages, offers childcare during the service, and is followed by a catered dinner featuring homemade challah made by the Center's Brotherhood.

Shabbat Pasión is free and open to the public register HERE


Holiday Services

Please join us in attending all of the holiday services throughout the year.

Be moved by the cry of the shofar, stomp your feet during the reading of the Megillah, enjoy Havdalah in our playground, or count the Omer!

The High Holy Day services require registration and tickets. All other holiday services are open to the public.

if you have questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 305-854-3911 or email our front office by clicking here.


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785